

Page history last edited by Vance Stevens 11 months ago

A cookbook for 21st century project management

See: http://advanceducation.blogspot.com/2010/06/cookbook-for-21st-century-project.html

The ā€œ3 Cā€™sā€ of 21st Century Learning are:
communication, collaboration, and creativity

Here are a few ways that these are addressed through the cookbook for 21st century project management.
These lists are simply starters; they could be added to endlessly.


Help us crowdsource with what you know! Please add more tips, tools, or websites under the headings below.


Anyone can write here, but you'll need to create and or sign on with your PBWorks account

(This lets us revert to a previous version in case of inadvertent damage)


(how you can communicate with others in your group using these techniques)


  • Create a tag for your project
  • Create a portal and link all of your stuff here
  • Create a #tag
  • Tag all sites and associated sites in Delicious and Diigo
  • Tag other artifacts as needed
  • Set up Tag Games to see what others are tagging


(how you can work with others online)


  • Wiki for content (like this one!)
  • Etherpad clone
  • Ning Alternatives
    • Cloudworks
    • Spruz
    • Mixxt
    • Grou.ps
    • Etc. etc.


(some ways you can be creative and innovative using Web 2.0 tools)


  • Wordle
  • Wallwisher
  • Tag Gallaxy (works only with Flickr)
  • xtranormal text to video
  • Vokis
  • Animoto slideshows
  • Tokbox video chats 





PBworks reclaims URLs when they have not been revisited for a year.

This wiki was visited and altered by adding this text on October 14, 2021

wiki visited April 21, 2023

visited March 22, 2024









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